...this week's HAPPY HOUR entertainment:
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
We want to THANK Billy the Ex-Bethelite & Deep Throat for....
by Newly Enlightened in...this week's happy hour entertainment:.
old literature
by lildev inwhoot whoot.
whole family i da'd last summer now my daughter.
it is such a huge relief.
Newly Enlightened
Punk: Nice to have you back.
I sold a brand new Organization book on Ebay for $15....might as well get something back from those Pharisees....
old literature
by lildev inwhoot whoot.
whole family i da'd last summer now my daughter.
it is such a huge relief.
Newly Enlightened
If anyone has any old literature they want to get rid of, we're always looking for some....Now, we're looking for WT 2010 WT bound volume WT 2012 Bound volume, 2010 Awake bound volume.
I could do with some help please?
by chrisuk inso the elder i studied with called round last wednesday.
i didn't tell him i'd lost my faith, i just said there are a number of reasons i wouldn't be able to return to either my studies or the meetings.
he asked me whar 2 or 3 of my reasons are so we could discuss them.. my reply: 1 i think all christians should partake of the bread and wine.
Newly Enlightened
Chrisuk- A biggie for us, was Rev 7:5-9 if those 12 tribes are SYMBOLIC [according to JW's] then how can they get a LITERAL number of 144,000 from symbolic tribes?
Rev 5:10 in other translations it says ON the earth, not OVER, they misunderstand this to mean humans will go to heaven. Even a King here on earth can be said to rule OVER his kingdom, but he's still here on earth. Even their own Kingdom Interlinear says ON the earth.
We want to thank everyone.....
by Newly Enlightened inwe want to thank all of you who have subscribed to our youtube channel and watch our videos...in just 4 months your response and support has been overwhelming and we have reached 500 subscribers!!!
so we humbly thank you all..
Newly Enlightened
Thank you Shirley...and everyone. It is just so absurd the crap they are printing and spewing it's difficult NOT to mock!!!
We would love to see this news report go viral....
by Newly Enlightened inout of canada.. thank you cedars.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlchpt-pzby.
Newly Enlightened
Out of Canada.. Thank you Cedars.
I've got a gem for all of you....
by Newly Enlightened inawake 1993 3/8 pg 15 pp 2. raisingsheepisourbusiness.
have you ever worn a woolen garment or bought a skein of wool?
did you ever stop to think where the wool came from?
Newly Enlightened
Yep...interesting that the GB/F& DS refers to the Rank & file as sheep then allows this in their Awake magazine, I think they are trying to tell us something....
I've got a gem for all of you....
by Newly Enlightened inawake 1993 3/8 pg 15 pp 2. raisingsheepisourbusiness.
have you ever worn a woolen garment or bought a skein of wool?
did you ever stop to think where the wool came from?
Newly Enlightened
Awake 1993 3/8 pg 15 pp 2
Raising Sheep Is Our Business
HAVE you ever worn a woolen garment or bought a skein of wool? Did you ever stop to think where the wool came from? Or what is involved in raising the sheep who supply your wool? Maybe we can help you. Why? Because, with my wife, Barbara, I run a sheep farm way down in the South Island of New Zealand.
Sheep are interesting creatures—docile, timid, and often plain stupid. And yet I remember one ewe who controlled her lambs better than any other mother in the flock. Others would lose track of their little ones, but not this ewe. What was special about her? She was blind. But she compensated for her blindness with her acute senses of smell and hearing. She knew exactly where to find her lambs. It was a joy to watch them suckling, their tails wagging as if about to drop off!
I have lived with sheep most of my life here in the South Island. My father has been a sheep farmer for 60 years. Now why do I say “sheep farmer” and not “shepherd”? The popular concept of a shepherd is that of a person who tends a migrant flock of sheep. In our case, we have sheep farms. Our sheep are tended on a fixed piece of land and just moved from one field, or paddock, to another. Instead of dozens or hundreds of sheep, we have thousands. And yet, by New Zealand standards, ours is a small farm. Nevertheless, our work is on an industrial scale. So what does it entail to raise so many sheep?
Billy's Comments You Won't Hear at the 01-19-2014 WT Study (7 Shepherds, 8 Dukes)
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite in16-20. we shall also have to raise up against him seven shepherds, yes, eight dukes of mankind.mic.
what is the most important thing that you can do now to prepare for any future attack on gods people?.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.. .
Newly Enlightened
Thank you Billy [You always crack us up by the way}....stayed tuned for more WT lunacy...
Ackkkk JWs posting videos on Youtube now
by fahrvegnugen inwell i haven't been here in a long old while, but was browsing around youtube and stumbled across a channel called jehovah's witnesses downloads which appears to be an official cache of propaganda uploaded by the borganization.
jeezus christ!
are their any worse actors than jws in those smarmy dramas?
Newly Enlightened
Here is that apostate video....